Today my roomie had to work on homework for a different summer class she's taking, so I set out to explore with some new friends that are also in my program!

My roomie and I are looking over the Campo Dei Fiori after a nice meet and greet with the other lsj students! This photo was taken from the building that holds the Rome Center!

This was a random building a saw when walking down the street. Isn't it pretty??


There are a ton of buildings in Rome that look like this.

This was in a square that my new friend Rj and I found on the way to lunch!

This is another shot of my roommate and I. We are on the Ponte Sisto (bridge) on the way to the Rome Center from our apartment!
Loving your blog! Looks like you're having a great time, and seeing some amazing places and it has only just begun. Thanks for the update!